Welcome back to our blog! Today, we have a special treat for you. Erin, one of our beloved instructors at Mantra in Tampa, is sharing her favorite at-home post-class stretches. These stretches are perfect for winding down after a Pilates session and ensuring your muscles stay flexible and healthy. Let’s dive into Erin’s top picks, focusing on those tight hamstrings, glutes, obliques, and improving posture!
1. Forward Fold (Hamstrings):
Description: The Forward Fold is a simple yet effective stretch that targets your hamstrings, calves, and lower back.
How to Do It:
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart (or wider)
- Slowly bend forward at the hips, allowing your upper body to hang.
- Reach for your toes, or let your hands rest on the floor.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply.
Erin’s Tip: “Focus on relaxing your neck, shoulders, and jaw. Let gravity do the work to lengthen. If you can’t reach the floor, soften the knees into a slight bend. Be active with spreading your feet and play around with shifting your weight from ball of foot to heels.
2. Reclining Pigeon Pose (Glutes):
Description: This stretch targets your glutes and hips, perfect for releasing tightness after a workout.
How to Do It:
- Lie on your back with your knees bent.
- Cross your right ankle over your left knee.
- Gently pull your left thigh towards your chest, keeping your right knee open, and your shoulders wide.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then switch sides.
Erin’s Tip: “Focus on keeping your hips square and breathing into the stretch. To ensure the stretch doesn’t torque the knee, dorsi-flex through the foot (pull the toes back towards the shin). As you breathe through the stretch, think about reaching your tailbone away, elongating the lumbar, and aiming to keep the whole spine on the floor.
3. Kneeling lunge with side stretch (Hip flexors/Obliques):
Description: This versatile stretch continues to open the hips while also bringing length into our side bodies and hip flexors.
How to Do It:
- Step right leg forward stacking the knee directly over the ankle.
- Left leg is lengthened behind with the knee resting on the floor. Back toes can be curled under to add a stretch through the arches or you can press the top of the foot into the floor.
- Lift chest and press hips forward
- Right hand can rest on the right thigh or be placed on the floor, outside of the right foot (only if your hip mobility allows you to maintain a lifted chest and knee over ankle).
- Reach left arm and crown of head towards the sky and over towards the right, “rainbow” arching the side body.
- Breathe deeply, reaching further with every exhale for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then switch sides
Erin’s Tip: Breath is essential here. Think about curling your tailbone under to protect the lumbar and maximize the stretch in the hip flexor. Also concentrate on keeping shoulders relaxed away from the ears and finding full reach of your arm all the way through the very tips of your fingers. Feel free to place a towel under your back knee for comfort or even lift the back knee into Warrior 1 pose to add balance and knee/ankle stability work.
4. Cat-Cow Stretch (Spinal mobility/Posture):
Description: This dynamic stretch helps to release tension in your spine and improve flexibility, aiding in better posture.
How to Do It:
- Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position.
- Inhale as you arch your back, lifting your head and tailbone (Cow Pose).
- Exhale as you round your spine, curling your chin and tailbone under (Cat Pose).
- Repeat for 1-2 minutes.
Erin’s Tip: “Move slowly and sync your breath with the movements to allow for optimal range of motion and relaxation. As you round, actively press the floor away, widening the palms while maintaining a softened elbow joint. As you arch, really reach the sternum (breastbone) through the shoulders keeping the shoulders grounded, you should feel an abdominal stretch as well. I love this posture as a warm up to class or as a morning/evening ritual.”
5. Tabletop Thorasic Spinal Twist (Spinal mobility/Posture
Description: Thorasic Spinal twist is a post-work out treat for the shoulders and upper back.
How to Do It:
- Start in a kneeling tabletop position with the palms directly under the shoulders and the knees directly under the hips.
- Engage your core to support the low back and widen the scapula (shoulder blades).
- Keeping your hips still, reach your right arm to the sky, allowing your gaze to follow and the upper back to twist with the reach.
- Keeping the hips high, now thread the right arm under your supporting left arm reaching until the left (supporting) arm bends and the right shoulder reaches the floor, right palm facing upwards.
- Gaze upwards past the left shoulder continuing the spinal twist but allowing the head to still rest on the floor.
- Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply, repeat twice on each side.
Erin’s Tip: “Once you’ve placed the shoulder on the floor, use your opposite (supporting arm) to really press the floor away. This will deepen the twist and really target the stretch in the shoulder joint. As always, try to focus the mind on sending breath to where you feel the stretch. This will not only calm the mind but allow the body to trust and relax into the stretch.”
Incorporating these stretches into your post-Pilates routine can help enhance your flexibility, reduce muscle soreness, prevent injury, and promote relaxation. Give them a try after your next class and feel the difference! Remember, consistency is key to reaping the benefits of stretching.
Have you tried these stretches? Share your experience in the comments below or tag us on social media @mantra_fitness! Stay tuned for more tips and tricks from our amazing trainers.