Summer is here and it’s time to shine like the sun! Everyone has a beach body but many still struggle with being able to rock it. Mantra Fitness has put together a few tips to help overcome those insecurities and boost your confidence about enjoying the summer sun.
We love the phrase, “Everyone has a bikini body. You simply put on a bikini and get your booty out in the sun.” There is no need to go to extremes—like crash dieting, juicing, or dehydrating your body—to rock a summer swimsuit. There is freedom to eat, be the weight you are currently at, and have a few extra cocktails. Summer is made to enjoy long days with good company, not stress about what others think of you.
We understand it’s easier said than done. A swimsuit is half the amount of clothing you normally wear and you’re wearing it in front of an audience. That is why we have created these tips to help you strip and feel incredible in your swimsuit.

There is a whole lot of skin showing when you’re in a swimsuit, and using an exfoliant will help it to look bright and glowy. Use a gentle sugar or salt exfoliant in the shower and follow it up with a good moisturizer when you get out. This will get rid of any dry patches and make your skin look hydrated!
Mirror Talk
This may sound a little odd, but telling yourself you look incredible will train your brain to believe it. Each day as you are getting ready for the day look in the mirror and give yourself three compliments. Say things like, “I am smart! I am stunning! I am perfect the way I was created! I look amazing in a swimsuit! I can do anything I put my mind to!” Get creative and speak what you need to hear. Do it every day of summer and you’ll be shocked at who you become in three months!

It’s NOT One Trend Fits All
String bikinis are not for everyone. Check out different brands and find the one you feel fits well. It may take going to several different stores to find YOUR suit. When you find the one that flatters you most, you confidence meter will go up.
Become Bronzed
We’re not talking about going and frying in the sun or even hitting the tanning beds. A spray tanis a lot safer for your skin and full of vitamins your skin needs. A darker color can make your muscles appear more toned and improve the appearance of cellulite (if you have any!).
Eat Good to Feel Good
Choose foods that will give you energy throughout the day. Delicious summer fruits and vegetables are in season and cheap at your local grocery store. Make good choices: Leafy greens are healthy vegetables that are anti bloating, keep your stomach flat, and help you feel full. Instead of potato chips or cookies, substitute a fresh peach or a summer salad. Eating good equals feeling good!
Get a Good Sweat Session in
Mantra offers classes every day of the week, morning and evening. Our form of Pilates, Lagree, is designed to burn calories while toning muscle with low impact, targeted exercises. In just a few sessions you’ll see results: your arms get toned, your tummy tightens, and your legs become lean. Check out the studio near you for our schedule and find class times that work best for you.
Fix Your Posture
Even toned girls don’t feel their best hunched over. Work on pulling your shoulders back and stop worrying about sucking in your stomach. When you stand tall you look lean and confident. While at Mantra focus on building your back muscles to assist in having great posture. Ask your instructor to let you know when you are doing an exercise that focuses on back muscles and key in.